About Us
Thumb Industries, Inc. is a private, non-profit organization, and is a leading provider of job training for people with barrier to employment. Thumb Industries has served Michigan's Thumb area for over 50 years.
Thumb Industries, Inc. was founded in 1970 and provides job skills training in retail, janitorial, lawn and manufacturing services to individuals with vocational disabilities. The training provided is to help individuals become more independent. Since 1990, Thumb Industries, Inc. has also provided Employment Services to our clients. Services are provided to individuals living in Huron and Sanilac Counties.
Services provided at Thumb Industries, Inc. are provided to individuals that are eligible for services provided through Medicaid funding, Michigan Rehabilitation Services or private insurance referrals. Any fees that an individual may be responsible for will be identified and discussed during orientation. Frequency of services will vary based on the individual Person Centered Plan or Individual Plan of Service through Community Mental Health, Michigan Rehabilitation Services or private insurance carrier.
Individuals that are not eligible for Medicaid or other funding and that wish to be involved in services may privately pay for the services provided by our agency. Arrangements for these services would be made with the Executive Director or Office Manager.
Thumb Industries, Inc. collaborates with Community Mental Health agencies, the State of Michigan, and local businesses to provide positive employment outcomes to individuals with barriers to employment. Thumb Industries takes pride in serving you. This pride is translated through our employees and their work with our consumers and you. Whether on site or in the community, we are there helping individuals participate in and contribute to the community.
Thumb Industries, Inc. is a member of Incompass Michigan and is accredited by CARF (Commission on Accreditation for Rehabilitation Facilities) to ensure quality services to the people that we serve.
Mission Statement:
Thumb Industries, Inc. is dedicated to the development & provision of quality services for persons with vocational disabilities. We believe that personal success & positive employment outcomes can be obtained when persons have informed choices & support in reaching their highest capabilities.
What We Do:
Thumb Industries, Inc. collaborates with Community Mental Health agencies, the State of Michigan, and local businesses to provide positive employment outcomes to individuals with barriers to employment. Thumb Industries takes pride in serving you. This pride is translated through our employees and their work with our consumers and you. Whether on site or in the community, we are there helping individuals participate in and contribute to the community.
Thumb Industries, Inc. is a member of Incompass Michigan, and is accredited by CARF (Commission on Accreditation for Rehabilitation Facilities) to ensure quality services to the people that we serve.
​Our Vision:
We strive to be a dynamic and diverse organization serving as a catalyst and champion to enhance employment skills and independence for persons with disabilities. We are committed to enriching their life, both personally and within our community.
Our Commitment:
We are committed to providing quality services to our community, businesses, and individuals we serve. We are dedicated to making a difference through education, training, empowerment and individual choice.

Payer Sources/Fees for Service:
Services provided at Thumb Industries, Inc. are provided to individuals that are eligible for services provided through Medicaid funding, Michigan Rehabilitation Services or private insurance referrals. Any fees that an individual may be responsible for will be identified and discussed during orientation. Frequency of services will vary based on the individual Person Centered Plan or Individual Plan of Service through Community Mental Health, Michigan Rehabilitation Services or private insurance carrier.
Individuals that are not eligible for Medicaid or other funding and that wish to be involved in services may privately pay for the services provided by our agency. Arrangements for these services would be made with the Executive Director or Office Manager.