Frequently Asked Questions
If you think you may need help with a mental health problem, please call us. During regular office hours, (Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.) a staff person is here to help you and direct your calls to the right person. An individual can be referred to Thumb Industries, Inc. by him or herself, by a private individual/agency, public agency, or any other purchaser of service.
You will speak with a professional who will help you decide if mental health services are what you need and how we can best help you. At this time, you will be asked for some basic information. In order to get the best care possible, you need to tell us about past hospitalizations, treatment, medications and anything else about your health. You must also tell us about any insurance information. Once it is decided that you could benefit from mental health services, an appointment is made.
Most individuals involved in services through Thumb Industries, Inc. are provided through a third-party payee. Services are provided through contracts with Huron Behavioral Health Services, Sanilac Community Mental Health Services, Michigan Rehabilitation Services, or private insurance companies. Individuals can also privately pay for services provided through our agency.
At the time of your first scheduled visit with us, you will meet with a professional that will review with you the financial and insurance information you have been asked to bring and will establish how services will be paid.
A new determination may be completed if we are informed of a significant change which may affect your Ability to Pay and / or insurance coverage. You have the right to disagree with an Ability to Pay determination by contacting us in writing of your desire for a re-determination.
You will be seen within 7 days of your initial phone call.
Donations are accepted at our Thrift Store Tuesday - Saturday, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Thumb Area Transit covers Huron County and can be reached toll free at 1.800.322.1125. Sanilac County Public Transportation covers Sanilac County and can be reached at 1.810.648.9766. Both offer curb-to-curb service and provide reliable transportation.